Meet Patricia Rojas. Patricia is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) practicing in California. Patricia is fluent in English and Spanish and has experience working with various communities and all walks of life to adapt to the struggles of daily life. Patricia works with patients who are experiencing depression, anxiety, and trauma.
She is compassionate and understands how important it is for clients to feel safe and well-supported. Patricia will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan and help you achieve your goals and face any personal challenges.
Patricia enjoys spending time with her family and her dogs, and she enjoys spending time in the mountains.
Meet Patricia Rojas. Patricia is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) practicing in Californi...
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Meet Perla Barragan. Perla is a licensed clinical social worker who is compassionate, caring and understanding. She is committed to understand that your needs are unique. Perla will use the right approach to help you reach your desired goal.
Perla has experience with treating depression, anxiety, and trauma. She understands mental health and how important it is for clients to feel welcome, safe, and understood. After building rapport, Perla will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan.
Perla is fluent in English and Spanish and has experience working with various communities in the mental health field.
Perla enjoys spending time with her family and her dogs and going on hikes in her free time.
Meet Perla Barragan. Perla is a licensed clinical social worker who is compassionate, caring and ...
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Meet Kelly Rauch. Kelly is a licensed marriage and family therapist, practicing in California and Texas. Receiving her Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and her Ph.D. in Business Psychology, she has been a practicing LMFT for more than 5 years.
Kelly works with a diverse background of people, supporting substance abuse, anxiety, depression, and trauma. In addition to using cognitive & behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and solution-focused approaches, she is a practicing EMDR therapist. Kelly believes in and engages using a mind, body, and soul connection.
Kelly will work with you closely to assess, understand, and collaboratively build strategies to address your personal struggle and make progress achievable.
Meet Kelly Rauch. Kelly is a licensed marriage and family therapist, practicing in California and...
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Meet Claudia, a licensed clinical social worker. Claudia is a warm and compassionate therapist whose mission is to provide each client with the tools and techniques that will increase their quality of life and outlook.
Claudia is a clinician who possesses her LCSW with training and experience in addressing anxiety, depression, trauma, and co-occurring and addiction disorders.
Claudia is fluent in English and Spanish, she is also culturally aware of the issues that arise with various communities in seeking mental health services. Claudia has worked with populations and is dedicated in supporting her client’s goals with compassion and sensitivity.
Some of Claudia’s hobbies are traveling, cooking, and hiking.
Meet Claudia, a licensed clinical social worker. Claudia is a warm and compassionate therapist wh...
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Meet Stephany, a licensed clinical social worker with over 10 years of experience helping clients reach their goals and improve their overall well-being. Stephany is dedicated to helping individuals and couples thrive by utilizing evidence-based therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), family systems theory, and trauma-informed care.
Stephany understands that language can be a barrier for some clients seeking mental health services; she is fluent in English and Spanish and wants to ensure everyone feels comfortable and heard in therapy.
In addition to her clinician work, Stephany is a skilled clinical supervisor. She enjoys mentoring and supporting other mental health professionals, sharing her knowledge and expertise to help them provide the best care possible to their clients.
Stephany’s compassionate and caring approach creates a safe and welcoming space for you to explore your feelings and work towards your goals.
Meet Stephany, a licensed clinical social worker with over 10 years of experience helping clients...
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